Character Education
Clover School District implements a comprehensive, proactive Character Education Program in all its schools, K-12. This program is a partnership with our parents and community, since we realize that the home will always be the most important setting for this crucial building block of productive citizens.
Our values are:
Respect, Responsibility, Thankfulness, Caring, Self-Discipline, Cooperation, Honesty, Citizenship, and Courage
Each school in the district emphasizes the same character trait on a monthly basis during the year. This trait is publicized on school marquees, in newsletters sent home, on Web sites, and through other effective means that communicate between home and school. The individual schools implement their own character education programs, teaching and modeling these commonly held core values at a developmental level appropriate for each building. The effectiveness of our program comes from the fact that this is not a stand-alone curriculum, but one which is taught, reinforced, discussed, written, read, and sung about, and rewarded on a daily basis in every class and activity the students are involved in. It is an intentional program, and we look for ways all throughout the year to involve the display of character in all that we do.
The character traits we emphasize were decided upon by a group of our teachers and administrators, and are universally held as important for a constructive society.
We are seeing that our program is working, and is effectively leading our students to the understanding that a person of character is one who embraces these traits in every academic discipline. It is truly a program of the head, the heart, and the hands!