Prescription/over The Counter Medication Guidelines
The board of trustees believes that the primary responsibility of medicating students rests with the parents/legal guardians.
From time to time, however, it may be necessary for a student to receive medicine at school. With this in mind, the board has imposed the following conditions on the administration of medicine at school:
South Carolina law requires school nurses to have a medical order from a health care provider for all prescription medications administered while at school and school functions.
Prescription Medication:
If your student needs to take any prescription medication at school, you must supply the medication in the pharmacy container with the appropriate pharmacy label and a District Medication Consent form/or written prescription order that has been signed by both the student's parent/legal guardian and the health care provider for each medication. All prescription medication should be brought to school by a parent/guardian.
The written permission must contain the following:
Student’s name
Health care provider’s name
Written authorization from the health care provider
Date of the request/termination of medication
Name and purpose of the medicine
Time to be administered
If your student requires prescription life-sustaining medication that needs to be self-monitored and self-administered, such as (Insulin, Inhaler, Epinephrine, etc.), please contact your school nurse to develop a Health Care Plan.
**Students are not allowed to carry prescription medication with them unless it has been approved and they have a Health Care Plan in place with the school nurse.**
**Narcotics will not be carried or administered at school**
**Any medication that is not picked up by the parent/guardian after the designated treatment duration will be destroyed**
Over the Counter (OTC) Medicine:
OTC medicine must be supplied by the parents and will be administered only if a permission slip is provided and the medicine is in the original container. OTC medicine will be administered according to the manufacturer's suggested dosage (as directed on the bottle) for appropriate age and/or weight. A physicians order is required for a dosage that differs from the manufacturer's suggestion. Natural remedies, herbs, and nutrition supplements will not be administered due to lack of FDA approval.
The written permission request must contain the following:
Student’s name
Date of the request/termination of medicine
Dosage and time to be administered
Termination date for administering medication/treatment
**Any medication that is not picked up by the parent/guardian after the designated treatment duration will be destroyed**
GRADES 6-12:
If you want your student to have the ability to carry and take their own OTC medications, you must have a signed parent/guardian permission form on file in the health room.
Most illnesses and injuries at school are not an emergency and can be resolved without medication. We are dedicated to meeting your child’s needs in a safe way. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s school nurse.