Media Relations and Guidelines
It is the policy of the Clover School District to work cooperatively with the news media for coverage of issues and events involving the school district, its students, or staff. However, the district is dedicated to providing all students with a safe and nurturing learning environment without unnecessary interruptions. Therefore, the following guidelines are in effect at all Clover School District campuses and facilities:
All media inquiries should be directed to the Public Information Officer and the appropriate campus principal or building administrator. Exception: Routine athletic and/or extracurricular activity news coverage can be handled by the appropriate coach or sponsor.
The Public Information Officer should be contacted when a representative of the media visits a campus. If the media visits a CSD site without prior approval from the appropriate campus or building administrator, he or she should be asked to leave and directed to contact the Public Information Officer. Media personnel may be allowed on campus to interview staff or students during the school day with approval from the Communications Office and appropriate notification to the campus or building administrator.
Cameras/reporters will not be allowed into the classroom or on the campus unless the classroom teacher and/or appropriate staff members have been notified and it is determined that such a visit will not be disruptive to the learning environment. Photographs or video may be taken by the media at the discretion of the Public Information Officer and/or the building or campus administrator. Parental permission for group shots is not required, but should be obtained if time and circumstances permit.
The Superintendent or his designee shall be the official spokesperson for the district.
Media Inquiries
All requests for media coverage should come through the Communications Office. The Public Information Officer will coordinate all media coverage and determine the best spokesperson for the district.
Stephanie Knott
Public Information Officer