Room Parent Toolbox
Room Parents serve an important role at Bethel Elementary as they act as not only the conduit between teacher and classroom parents but as an extension of the PTO.
As a Room Parent, you are expected to carry out the following responsibilities in addition to any other requests that your classroom teacher may have:
Organize classroom celebrations
Communicate with Classroom Parents--information specific to the class as well as PTO projects; welcoming new students & their families to Bethel; promoting events
Please remember that the position of Room Parent is an important commitment for the entire school year. The teachers and Room Parent Coordinator will depend on you to be reliable and consistent throughout the school year. Although it is the Room Parents who are responsible for coordinating the above activities, it is strongly recommended that they give all classroom parents the opportunity to assist with the events/activities that take place throughout the year.
Since there are usually numerous volunteers for this position, there may be several people selected for each classroom.
To help facilitate your role as Room Parent, we have designed the Room Parent Toolbox which should help answer questions you may have about being a Room Parent and guide you in your role throughout the year.
Please access the various Room Parent Tools under the Room Parent Toolbox umbrella page.
Should you have suggestions or new topics for the Room Parent Toolbox or questions about being a Room Parent, please contact Debi Jones, Room Parent Coordinator, via Email Debi Jones