Teacher & Staff Appreciation
Each year, Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week is held for a full week in May and organized differently based on the ideas of the event's coordinator(s). Additionally, throughout the year, the PTO hosts various events to show our appreciation for Bethel's wonderful teachers & staff, such as the Giving Thanks Luncheon in November.
This year's Teacher & Staff Appreciation week will be held May 4th through May 8th. The theme is still to be determined (TBD).
The Teacher & Staff Appreciation Chair for 2019-2020 is Jamie French; however, there is an OPEN position for this committee. Let us know if you are interested in helping!
Be on the lookout for SignUpGenius links as to how you can contribute or get involved!
Past Appreciation Week Themes:
2018-2019: Garden Party (Helping our Children Grow)
2017-2018: Building a Brighter Future (legos)
2016-2017: Superheroes
2015-2016: Hawaiian Luau-themed
2014-2015: Sports-themed
2013-2014: "Another Day In Paradise"
2012-2013: "Our Teachers Are Stars"
Note: As of the 2013-2014 school year, we did away with the daily gifts to teachers as it was deemed too complicated to keep up with, as there is so much happening at the end of the year. Additionally, families with multiple children were incurring much expense to participate in this endeavor.