Bethel's iPad Usage Plan
The content explained here is currently our Bethel Elementary Mobile Device Usage Plan. We designed this plan using the District Mobile Computing Guide and made necessary accommodations with our students in mind.
Level 1 Violations (Handled by Teacher)
Include but are not limited to: repeated uncharged device (3 times or more), unprepared for class (including earbuds), careless or irresponsible use, off task behaviors, having personal apps (apps outside of what teachers and administration have asked students to install)
1st Offense - Verbal Warning
2nd Offense - Loss of Recess and Parent Notification
3rd Offense - Limited Usage of iPad with One School Night (iPad remains at school)and Parent Notification
4th Offense - Limited Usage of iPad with Three School Nights and Parent Notification
-Continued Offenses will Result in Office Referral
*Canvas inbox is for teacher/student communication NOT student/student communication during school hours. Students can communicate after school through other communication devices.
Level 2 Violations
Include but are not limited to: photographing/filming others without permission (against their will or with malicious intent), bullying with device, harmful or malicious activities on/ to the device, accessing and/or sharing inappropriate websites, materials, videos or photos
1st Offense - Limited Usage of iPad with Week/Weekend School Stay with Parent Notification by Administrator.
2nd Offense - Limited Usage of iPad with time period determined by Administrator with Parent/Administrator Conference. Possible in-school suspension consequence.
All Other violations may result in out-of-school suspension and/or restricted device usage
*Administrators will be involved in all Level 2 Violations. Level 3 Violations
Include but are not limited to: criminal offenses that require the involvement of law enforcement and/or recommendation for expulsion. Possession and use of school issued devices on school property acknowledges consent to search the contents of the device. Misuse of technology outside of school that impacts the people or environment on campus may also necessitate similar disciplinary consequences and searches.
*If violations continue, administration reserves the right to handle any of the above violations as they see fit.