What do I do if...
…need to go to morning tutoring?
Students requesting morning tutoring will need a written pass from the providing teacher. The pass shall state the date and room number where the tutoring will occur. Passes should be obtained at least one day before the tutoring session is to occur.
…am late to school?
Late car riding students must report to the main office to obtain a pass for first period admittance. If you are a breakfast eater, you will be provided time to eat prior to reporting to class.
Late bus riders will also need to obtain a pass for admittance to class. Breakfast will be provided to late bus riders.
...need my assignments if I am absent?
The first step to obtain assignments is to visit your team/teacher Canvas Course; otherwise, requests for assignments should be made by calling the school office. A twenty-four hour turn around time is needed for assignments requested through the office.
…miss a day of school?
It is important to attend school daily. If you are absent, your parent should provide a written note, or an official doctor's excuse. Policies concerning excused absences are contained in the handbook.
…get sick during the day?
If you become ill at school, you should tell your teacher. Teachers will then determine if you need to see the nurse. The nurse will then determine if parents need to be contacted.
…need to call home during the day?
Only emergency situations will warrant calls home by students. You should first inform your teacher, who will then determine if you need to go to the office. The office staff and/or an administrator will determine if a call is warranted.
…get hurt at school?
Any injury should be reported to the nearest adult so appropriate attention can be provided. If necessary, the school will call your parents to notify them.
…need to leave school early?
Students cannot leave school grounds without permission from the office. A student requesting early dismissal should:
1) Bring a note from parent/guardian stating the time and reason for dismissal. The note should be delivered to the office prior to the start of school.
2) A student may be signed out by authorized adults. Only persons listed in our database as authorized adults may sign a student out of school.
…need to ride a different bus?
If it is necessary to ride home on another bus, you must present a note to the office the morning of the change. The office will have to verify the request and approval must be given before buses are loaded. Requests to sign notes at the loading area will be denied.
…need to ride to school or home with a brother/sister at the high school?
These requests will be granted with a parent note requesting permission. Students riding to school with a sibling should be dropped off in front of OMS with all car riders. Any student going to CHS for rides are subject to all CHS rules and regulations and should report directly to the pick up point and not enter the building for any reason.
...am having trouble with a student?
The first step is to keep your cool. Any problems should be taken to your teacher who will determine the next step. The next step will be a visit to your guidance counselor or assistant principal.
…want to bring a visitor to school?
Visitors such as friends or family from out of town cannot come to school with you. Liability and instructional issues prevent our ability to accommodate such requests. However, your parents and/or grandparents are always welcome to visit your school. Any visitors should always sign in the office and obtain a visitor's pass.
…am moving or changing phone numbers?
Parents should notify the office of any changes to a student's data. We need the most accurate contact information at all times.
…am withdrawing from school?
If you are moving to another district or another attendance zone in our district during the school year, your parents must come to the school and complete appropriate withdrawal papers. Any debts must be paid prior to records being forwarded.
…need to bring medicine to school?
If you need to bring a non-prescription, over-the-counter medicine, you will need a note from your parents and the medicine must be in an original container. This note should be checked in with the office at the start of the school day.
…need to see a guidance counselor?
You should report a desire/need to see your grade level guidance counselor to your teacher. Your teacher will help refer you to the appropriate person.
…lose a textbook or workbook?
You should report a lost book to your teacher immediately. You are responsible for the books you are issued and a lost book fee will be charged for a lost textbook. There is a replacement fee for workbooks and agendas.
…want my schedule changed?
Schedule changes will not be made except in extreme circumstances. If you have a question about your schedule, you may see your guidance counselor.