Nursing Services

Our Mission

To eliminate or alleviate health barriers that interfer with a student's ability to learn and to create a safe and orderly environment, thereby enabling students to become successful life learners.

The Health room is designed to assist students with chronic conditions and be an emergency station to care for minor injuries and illnesses that occur at school. Injuries or health concerns that occur outside of school should be treated at home or by your health care provider. The school nurse cannot diagnose or prescribe medications.

School Exclusion

When to keep your child home from school...

School attendance is very important for your child in order to have the opportunity to learn. However, within the school community there are illnesses that may be passed directly or indirectly to one another – especially during the cold and flu season. If your child becomes ill at school, the school nurse will contact you to pick up your child.

Your help is also needed to decrease the spread of illnesses. Please do not send your child to school when they are sick. Children should be kept home when they have a contagious illness. Sometimes it is difficult to decide when and how long to keep your child home from school. The following guidelines may help you determine when it is necessary to keep your child home.

In addition, the school nurse is not a doctor therefore she is not able to diagnose, treat or prescribe medication. Thus, it is your responsibility as their parent to have your child treated by a physician whenever necessary.

We really appreciate your cooperation. Please call the school and let us know if your child has a contagious illness. The nurse is available for questions about when it is appropriate to keep your child home from school.   


The Medication Policy has changed. Please read the form on the right for current and updated news from our nursing staff.

Field Trips

For Field Trips Extended Past Normal School Hours or Overnight:

Field trips can been fun for the student but worrisome for the parent if your child has a chronic health condition or takes medication. Typically the school nurse does not go on field trips, so early planning and meeting with the school nurse/teacher can help elievate fears and concerns.

This Field Trip Medical Form is for trips that extend past normal school hours or are overnight. It is important that you fill out Field Trip Medical Form giving the school as much information as possible even if we know your child has a chronic medical condition because the teacher will take this form with them on the trip.

All medication for the field trip must be supplied by the parent. Even if your child has the medication(s) at school, the school will not send it on the field trip. The nurse cannot repackage medications. Your child’s physician must fill out a form for all prescription medications because the forms we have at school do not give permission for after school hours. The medication must be in the original pharmacy-labeled or manufacture-labeled container and only the amount needed for the trip needs to be in the container. No medication in baggies will be accepted.

If your child has medications such as an asthmatic inhaler, insulin injection, and Epi pen that are required for emergency situations, that may be carried and self administered by the student, please inform the nurse to make sure the proper permissions forms are signed by the physician.

If your child has an inhaler, insulin injection, or Epi pen in the school’s health room, do not assume it will be sent. It is your responsibility to contact the school nurse/teacher to make arrangements for these to go with your child on the field trip.

Specialized Healthcare Procedures

Special Requests for Specialized Health Care Procedures

We request that you and your child’s healthcare provider complete the Specialized Health Care Procedure form prior to your child’s arrival to school. This form will grant authorization to school personnel to perform or assist with your child’s procedure(s).

In the event that the form is not received by the time your child begins school, we request that you provide the services at school. School personnel will not be permitted to perform such services until the form is completed and received, and any necessary training for the procedure is completed.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. This will assist us in maximizing your child’s participation in the classroom with minimal disruption.