LEAD Summer Camp


Air Force Instructor led experience (not a JROTC program); emphasizing leadership, character, and teamwork through fun activities. JROTC cadets fill roles as flight leaders and camp counselors who assist with leadership, administration, and logistics.  Target age: rising 7th-9th graders.


  • Provide youth leadership opportunities

  • Develop individual and group character

  • Inspire teamwork, patriotism, self-confidence, and diversity for youth

  • Expose rising CHS freshmen to the high school campus and fellow freshmen

  • Expose rising 7th-9th graders to AFJROTC

  • Rising 9th graders receive first JROTC promotion 

Fun activities:

  •  Archery, land navigation/orienteering, team building exercises, athletics, physical fitness, military drill (armed and unarmed), hiking at Crowder's Mountain, drones/rocketry

When, Where & How:

  • July 15-17 (due to the shortened summer/district calendar change, only 3 days this year)

  • Clover High School

  • 7:45 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Mon-Fri

  • Cost: $85

      o Includes: lunch & snacks
     o Admission to all activities

Interested in finding out more?  Review the attached documents. 

Want to sign up? Submit Registration Form, Fitness Survey.

Contact MSgt William Ghent at 803-810-8978 or william.ghent@clover.k12.sc.us

Submit completed applications to:

Clover High School AFJROTC 

1625 Hwy 55 East

Clover SC 29710 

Checks should be made out to Clover High School

Click here to check out our camp video 

Reporting Instructions:

Drop off times are M-F from 07:45-08:15

Sunscreen and Bug Spray would be helpful

Wear athletic style shoes and shorts

Daily pickup is at 3:00 at the same location