During Mental Health Awareness Month, CSD reminds the community of our partnership with Care Solace--a service providing 24/7 access to mental health resources that's just a call or click away.
4 months ago, Clover School District
Mental Health Awareness Month Graphic
Fourth Quarter Interim Reports come home today! Don't forget to check those backpacks!
4 months ago, Clover School District
Interim Report Graphic
Don't forget today's an Early-Release Day! All schools dismiss two hours early.
4 months ago, Clover School District
Clock Graphic
On Administrative Professionals Day, CSD thanks the hard-working administrative professionals who keep our schools and offices running smoothly!
4 months ago, Clover School District
Admin Professional Graphic
During National Volunteer Appreciation Week, CSD thanks the many community volunteers who work tirelessly to support our schools. Whether you help out with classroom celebrations, chaperone field trips or hold an office in a PTO or Booster Club, we say "Thank you." You help CSD achieve a level of excellence that makes us a leader in the state and nation.
4 months ago, Clover School District
Volunteer Graphic
Clover School District (CSD) students joined more than 1,300 students from York and Chester counties at Cherry Park in Rock Hill today for the Area 11 Special Olympics. Following an opening ceremony that included the singing of the National Anthem and the recitation of the Special Olympics athlete’s pledge, Rock Hill Mayor John Gettys officially declared the games open. Young athlete clinics were hosted for students as young as three years-old, while other events included competitors 22 years-old and older. Track and field events that were part of the games included the softball throw, 50 M and 100 M races and the standing long jump. While everyone who takes part in the Special Olympics is a champion, students earned ribbons for placing in their event.
4 months ago, Clover School District
CHS Athletes
Larne athletes
Kinard athletes
CSD partnered with Care Solace to connect families to mental health resources. CSD students, staff and families can call Care Solace at 888-515-0595 for 24/7/365 personalized and confidential help finding a therapist or you can search on your own at www.caresolace.com/cloversd.
5 months ago, Clover School District
Care Solace Graphic
It's National School Librarian Day! Thanks for helping our students fall in love with reading!
5 months ago, Clover School District
Library Graphic
CSD salutes military families and the sacrifices they make in serving our country during the Month of the Military Child.
5 months ago, Clover School District
Military Child Graphic
CSD observes World Autism Awareness Day and seeks to create an environment in which autistic individuals are fully supported, championed and celebrated.
5 months ago, Clover School District
Autism Graphic
Happy Spring Break, CSD! All schools and offices are closed April 1-5.
5 months ago, Clover School District
Spring Break Graphic
Third quarter report cards come home today! Make time to celebrate your student's learning!
5 months ago, Clover School District
Report Card
It's National Ag Day! #ThankAFarmer
5 months ago, Clover School District
Ag Day Graphic
Reminder: Today is a Teacher Work Day! Schools are closed for all students.
5 months ago, Clover School District
Teacher Work Day
The theme for this year's observance of World Down Syndrome Day is #EndTheStereotypes.
5 months ago, Clover School District
Down Syndrome Graphic
Happy St. Patrick's Day from the school district that celebrates EVERY day with a four-leaf clover! #lucky2BNCSD
6 months ago, Clover School District
Shamrock Graphic
Happy Pi Day from CSD!
6 months ago, Clover School District
Pi Day Graphic
CSD partnered with Care Solace to connect families to mental health resources. CSD students, staff and families can call Care Solace at 888-515-0595 for 24/7/365 personalized and confidential help finding a therapist or you can search on your own at www.caresolace.com/cloversd.
6 months ago, Clover School District
Care Solace Graphic
Shout out to CSD's amazing vocal and instrumental music groups during Music in Our Schools Month!
6 months ago, Clover School District
Music Education Graphic
National School Breakfast Week (NSBW) celebrates the importance of a nutritious school breakfast in fueling students for success. This special observance celebrates the national School Breakfast Program and the many ways it gives kids a great start every day.
6 months ago, Clover School District
Surf Board