On behalf of all faculty and staff, I would like to welcome you to Larne Elementary School, where we encourage all to BE Responsible, BE Respectful, and BE Ready to learn.
We are very proud of our students and our educational practices. We strive to maintain high academic expectations by establishing individual learning targets. Meeting each student at their level of competency is a priority. We also provide a physically and emotionally safe environment where students know we care and support them.
We are accessible to you and we welcome your presence, comments, and questions. Information concerning upcoming events is shared via weekly announcements, flyers, our social media pages, and newsletters. We hope you will familiarize yourself with our website, Canvas, and Facebook pages. If we may be of service to you, please call the office at 810-8600.
Respectfully yours,
Vic Stine, Principal
"A community of learners, inspiring all to think, to learn, to achieve, and to care."