Our School

Clover Middle School focuses on the whole child through a wide variety of clubs, sports, fine arts, and extra-curricular activities. We continue to improve our communication efforts with parents regarding student academic progress through the PowerSchool Parent Portal. Initiatives such as rising 6th grade tours and parent meetings, meet-the-teacher night, and registration day devoted solely to 6th graders help to foster a positive transition from the elementary schools to Clover Middle School.
"Eagles Take F.L.I.G.H.T."
Focused, Leader, Insightful, Genuine, Hopeful, and Trustworthy
Our Beliefs, Vision, Mission
The purpose of school is to design meaningful experiences where students acquire knowledge and skills to successfully explore the challenges of today and tomorrow.
The responsibility of leaders is to provide the vision, time, resources, and collaborative environment that promote continuous improvement.
The focus of educators is to design engaging, meaningful work for all students and ensure that they learn to their highest potential.
The role of the school, parents, and community is to create a safe and supportive environment for all students to learn and thrive.
Mission Statement
Clover Middle School, in collaboration with parents and our community, will provide all students every opportunity to learn and grow.
Vision Statement
At CMS, we empower all stakeholders to value their education while continuously developing their leadership skills, their potential, their capacity to change, and their motivation.