Clover Middle School
Prescription Medication Form Please use this form when a student needs to take any prescription medication at school. All prescription medications, with the exception of some emergency medications such as are needed for severe allergies and asthma, must be kept in the nurse's office. All prescription medications require a completed medication form that is signed by both the health care provider and the parent. If a student is to carry any prescription medication (epinephrine injectors and asthma inhalers), the HCP must check the box stating that the student is responsible and able to self-carry.
Please note that temporary prescription medications such as antibiotics and steroids require this documentation. Please make every effort to administer prescription medications at home.
Over The Counter Medication Form In Grades 6-12, students may self-carry and self-administer OTC medications IF parent gives permission by completing this OTC permission form. All medication must be kept in the original container in small quantities. Students are not permitted to share OTC medications with anyone at any time.
Dental Care Consent Form This form will allow your child to receive dental care from a Registered Dental Hygienist while at school during a regular school day. Care may include dental cleaning, fluoride treatments, sealants, and therapeutic fillings. Please read the entire form for details.