Clover School District (CSD) extends a warm "Welcome to Clover" to all the wonderful new employees who will be joining CSD for the upcoming school year. Today, we highlight Christopher Peterson of Kinard Elementary.
about 1 month ago, Clover School District
Clover School District (CSD) extends a warm "Welcome to Clover" to all the wonderful new employees who will be joining CSD for the upcoming school year. Today, we highlight Rachel Fetty of Kinard Elementary.
about 1 month ago, Clover School District
It's that time again, Clover Community! The Clover School District Back-to-School Bash will be held Friday, July 26, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at Memorial Stadium. We hope you will join us for music, inflatables, snow cones, temporary tattoos, sunglasses and important resources from our schools and community organizations. See you out there!!!
about 1 month ago, Clover School District
Bash Flyer
Parents who indicated that their children needed bus service when they registered their children for the 2024-2025 school year should have received emails earlier today with their children's bus route and schedule information. Parents were sent two emails--one with details for the morning route and a second with details of the afternoon route. Parents who did not receive these emails should contact their child's school.
about 1 month ago, Clover School District
Kinard families, registration is tomorrow. Thursday, July 11 (8:00-12:00 p.m. and 2:00-6:00 p.m.). You may register your child online using the student-specific snapcode sent home last school year. Only attend registration if you still need to submit residency or medical information. Contact the school (803-810-8700) for your child’s snapcode or if you need further assistance with registration.
about 2 months ago, George Smith
Announcement image
Clover School District (CSD) extends a warm "Welcome to Clover" to all the wonderful new employees who will be joining CSD for the upcoming school year. Today, we highlight Nicole H. Thompson of Kinard Elementary.
3 months ago, Clover School District
Nicole H. Thompson
Clover School District (CSD) extends a warm "Welcome to Clover" to all the wonderful new employees who will be joining CSD for the upcoming school year. Today, we highlight Tanya Wright of Kinard Elementary.
3 months ago, Clover School District
Tanya Wright
Fun and Games! One of the annual signs that the end of the school year is right around the corner is Field Day. This day is mainly celebrated in elementary schools, where students, their teachers, and often their families get to enjoy a day of outdoor fun! Physical Education teachers across the district do an excellent job coming up with fresh and new ideas to excite their students each year with what is often one of the most memorable days of the year. This Friday, Kinard Elementary hosted its field day, which featured various water activities, games, and a whole lot of fun. Special thanks to the Clover Fire Department and the Clover Police Department for their help at Kinard’s Field Day. We thank the great work of all the Physical Education teachers throughout the district, not only for Field Day but also for helping our students stay active and learn games to share with others.
4 months ago, Clover School District
Students participating in Field Day
CSD honors our amazing team of teachers during Teacher Appreciation Week! Thanks for all you do!
4 months ago, Clover School District
Teacher Appreciation Week Graphic
Happy Star Wars Day! May the Fourth be with you today and always!
4 months ago, Clover School District
Space Graphic
During Mental Health Awareness Month, CSD reminds the community of our partnership with Care Solace--a service providing 24/7 access to mental health resources that's just a call or click away.
4 months ago, Clover School District
Mental Health Awareness Month Graphic
Fourth Quarter Interim Reports come home today! Don't forget to check those backpacks!
4 months ago, Clover School District
Interim Report Graphic
Don't forget today's an Early-Release Day! All schools dismiss two hours early.
4 months ago, Clover School District
Clock Graphic
On Administrative Professionals Day, CSD thanks the hard-working administrative professionals who keep our schools and offices running smoothly!
4 months ago, Clover School District
Admin Professional Graphic
During National Volunteer Appreciation Week, CSD thanks the many community volunteers who work tirelessly to support our schools. Whether you help out with classroom celebrations, chaperone field trips or hold an office in a PTO or Booster Club, we say "Thank you." You help CSD achieve a level of excellence that makes us a leader in the state and nation.
4 months ago, Clover School District
Volunteer Graphic
Clover School District (CSD) students joined more than 1,300 students from York and Chester counties at Cherry Park in Rock Hill today for the Area 11 Special Olympics. Following an opening ceremony that included the singing of the National Anthem and the recitation of the Special Olympics athlete’s pledge, Rock Hill Mayor John Gettys officially declared the games open. Young athlete clinics were hosted for students as young as three years-old, while other events included competitors 22 years-old and older. Track and field events that were part of the games included the softball throw, 50 M and 100 M races and the standing long jump. While everyone who takes part in the Special Olympics is a champion, students earned ribbons for placing in their event.
4 months ago, Clover School District
CHS Athletes
Larne athletes
Kinard athletes
CSD partnered with Care Solace to connect families to mental health resources. CSD students, staff and families can call Care Solace at 888-515-0595 for 24/7/365 personalized and confidential help finding a therapist or you can search on your own at
5 months ago, Clover School District
Care Solace Graphic
It's National School Librarian Day! Thanks for helping our students fall in love with reading!
5 months ago, Clover School District
Library Graphic
CSD salutes military families and the sacrifices they make in serving our country during the Month of the Military Child.
5 months ago, Clover School District
Military Child Graphic
CSD observes World Autism Awareness Day and seeks to create an environment in which autistic individuals are fully supported, championed and celebrated.
5 months ago, Clover School District
Autism Graphic